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Ariana Friedlander
Dec 4, 20242 min read
No one wants to be THAT person
For a few years now I've been annoyed that I keep getting emails after I unsubscribe from a list. It feels violating. It has made me...
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Ariana Friedlander
Oct 9, 20242 min read
The fallacy of "making it work"
I had a client—we’ll call her Linda—who had an employee—we’ll call him Manny—who struggled to get along with team members. Manny had...
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Ariana Friedlander
Nov 1, 20234 min read
Dueling values
I was recently talking with a friend, we’ll call her Tabby, who was struggling with a significant career decision. She was hired to be an...
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Ariana Friedlander
Aug 10, 20234 min read
Ethics or belonging
My client had suspected that her immediate boss had been embezzling money for a few years before she spoke up. She first disclosed her...
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Ariana Friedlander
May 10, 20234 min read
4 reasons to avoid transformational conversations
Whenever I describe what I do to people - facilitating conversations using the neuroscience of conversation that get people talking like...
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Ariana Friedlander
May 10, 20223 min read
The One Thing You Can Do About Dueling Priorities - Work vs. Life
As I've navigated making a major medical decision for myself this year, I have felt like the poster child for your brain on stress. And...
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