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Ariana Friedlander
Jul 19, 20233 min read
The way we respond changes everything
A few months after I hired our new Executive Director, she called me, her tone somber. "I made a mistake," she admitted as she proceeded...
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Ariana Friedlander
May 10, 20234 min read
4 reasons to avoid transformational conversations
Whenever I describe what I do to people - facilitating conversations using the neuroscience of conversation that get people talking like...
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Ariana Friedlander
Mar 1, 20232 min read
How do you want to feel?
How do you want to feel? This was the question asked in a recent HeartMath session I participated in that shifted so much for me. Because...
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Ariana Friedlander
Oct 12, 20224 min read
That triggered me
A few months ago I shared an experience where someone commented on a post I made with oppressive rhetoric in a Facebook group to a family...
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