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Ariana Friedlander
Oct 19, 20213 min read
The mystical effects of finding long-lost memories
There's something almost mystical about the way our memories work. A sight, sound, smell or taste can bring back a swarm of recollections...
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Ariana Friedlander
Jun 24, 20215 min read
Use the Trigger Reaction Loop to reclaim your power
I hadn't even been at this networking event 20 minutes before I was triggered. It was a reunion with a peer group I belonged to a few...
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Ariana Friedlander
Apr 15, 20214 min read
Turn your notetaking into REAL learning opportunities that create the change you want
Many of my clients only used their journals for taking notes during talks, while reading books, or participating in workshops before we...
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Ariana Friedlander
Apr 8, 20212 min read
Shift from fixating on the negative to meaningful progress with these 4 simple questions
Prefer to watch a video of this post? Scroll to the bottom I was driving back from a training where I tried something new, and I kept...
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Ariana Friedlander
Mar 30, 20213 min read
You have the power to choose how you respond when someone strikes a nerve
As a child, I loved watching inside the piano while my mother played. It was like witnessing magic. Each time she pressed down a key, a...
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Ariana Friedlander
Mar 25, 20216 min read
Getting back to the basics
Journaling has become increasingly popular in the last 10 years thanks to Ryder Carrol for introducing the world to his techniques, which...
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