Yesterday we had a thought provoking book discussion about entrepreneurship and resilience with a diverse group of EntrepreNerds spanning four generations in ages. What I love about these discussions, is the commitment everyone makes to support each other. There’s always an eagerness to understand different perspectives as part of a deeper desire to rejuvenate one’s thinking.
For those that were not able to make the discussion, allow me to provide a re-cap of the main takeaways that participants gleaned. But first, I will give you a quick overview of the resources we shared. In addition to the two recommended books, participants at book discussions always bring up other resources to help inform the conversation.
Resources Shared
Taming Your Gremlin by Rick Carson
Resilience by Andrew Zolli
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Getting To Yes with Yourself by William Ury
Overdrive – an electronic tool for library patrons to access digital resources including e-books and audio books. Available for the Poudre Library and Loveland Library
Voice of Reason – A positive way to view your inner voice. Apparently, not everyone has an inner gremlin or critique! Of course, my inner critique is having a field day with that one, “what’s wrong with you, Ariana?” it asks…sigh! Luckily there are ways of grappling with that, as you will see below.
Non-judgemental Observer of Thoughts – The key, and challenge here is to be non-judgemental! As if you’re an anthropologist, observe yourself without evaluating whether your thought process is good or bad or stupid or…any of the qualifiers regardless if their positive or negative. Simply notice!
Mindfulness Practice – Mindfulness is defined as “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.” Developing a Mindfulness Practice allows one to intentionally be present in the moment and deepening their level of awareness. Meditation, yoga, and breath are all techniques for developing a mindfulness practice. Developing this practice will enhance your abilities to be a non-judgemental observer of your thoughts.
Going to the Balcony – A technique for deepening your understanding of what it means to be an observer of yourself. Going to the balcony provides a visualization for you to step outside yourself and look down on your thoughts and feelings as if from above.
Reframing – A technique for posing what might be viewed as a negative scenario into a positive one. This empowers you to see “problems” as an opportunity for growth!
Connection Economy & Relational Capital – Our networks and relationships impact our resilience, either positively or negatively. The Connection Economy is term often used by Seth Godin as a way of describing how the 21st century marketplace has changed from the post-industrial revolution. Relational Capital brings more awareness to the value of your relationships in business as well as personally.
Those were the most impactful insights EntrepreNerds had from yesterday’s conversation. There’s always some EntrepreNerds that reviewed the readings but were not able to come. What do you have to add to this conversation about Entrepreneurship and Resilience? Post your comments below!