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Ariana Friedlander
Jun 12, 20241 min read
When things don't go as expected
This is something I've silently struggled with for years. Sometimes when things don't go as planned, I push on despite the evidence...
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Ariana Friedlander
Aug 2, 20234 min read
You may feel uncomfortable and here's why that's a good thing
It had been five years since I've gone swimming in the ocean. When I went to the beach with my family for vacation this summer I forgot...
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Ariana Friedlander
Mar 22, 20224 min read
Daylight Savings Snafu
I was packing for my flight home from Spain when I looked at my friend's computer. It was early morning and no one else was awake yet....
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Ariana Friedlander
Feb 10, 20224 min read
Which version of yourself are you voting for with your actions?
When I started my business almost 11 years ago my morning routine involved drinking copious amounts of coffee while jumping into my...
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Ariana Friedlander
Jan 20, 20225 min read
The Knowing
A few months ago I finished up work for the day and decided to head out for a walk before I went to acupuncture. As I walked by the...
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Ariana Friedlander
Jan 13, 20223 min read
Opening the Jar
It happened again. Despite my many attempts, I couldn't get the lid off the jar. So I asked my husband to help. He pops the jar open in...
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Ariana Friedlander
Jan 6, 20225 min read
The Sitcom Effect
Life is not like a sitcom, and yet it's so easy to get sucked into those worlds. The other week I was watching a Halloween episode of...
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Ariana Friedlander
Oct 26, 20213 min read
You're not pathetic, you're growing
Much to my surprise, I had been given an awesome opportunity at 5:30 pm and I had 24 hours to decide if I was going to say yes! It...
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Ariana Friedlander
Oct 7, 20212 min read
Siya Vansia: Growth Mindset, Imposter Syndrome & Innovation
Siya Vansia took a job as an administrative assistant at a bank after graduating college because she wanted something that looked good on...
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