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Improve Your Sales-Ability: The Gists

Friday February 21, 2014 Noon – 1:30pm Hosted by the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce Cost: Members $25 / Non-Members $35 (includes catered lunch)

Selling is like cilantro: most people either love it or hate it. Regardless of how it makes you feel, sales is an invaluable skill for anyone that seeks to influence the decisions, actions or behavior of others. Join us for an enlightening EntrepreNerds book discussion about Improving Your Sales-Ability so that you’re being authentic and true to you. We will explore insights from the readings such as:

  1.     Re-Thinking Sales

  2.     Relationships and Selling

  3.     Tips for Improving Sales-Ability

The Gist – In this witty and inspiring read, Pink makes the case for “re-thinking of sales as we know it,” a notion that should resonate with anyone that has a negative perceptions of sales people. He argues that anyone (and therefore everyone) who seeks to influence the actions, decisions and behavior of others is in sales. Pink empowers the reader to embrace selling with authenticity, resilience and service to others by reframing the ABC’s of selling “Always Be Closing”.

How I Raised Myself from Failture to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger

The Gist – This isn’t just a book about how to be successful at selling, it is a story of a man who took a disciplined approach to his own professional development. About ready to call it quits, Bettger turned his life around by first changing his attitude. He provides valuable insight and inspiration about how to embrace sales with enthusiasm and ease. Bettger also relays wisdom in his book that is timeless and refreshing. He gets to the core of how to succeed at sales, which is why his recommendations are still relevant in the 21st century.

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