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EntrepreNerds Between the Sheets: Interview with Prasad Kaipa

At EntrepreNerds Between the Sheets we’re talking nerdy with authors, entrepreneurs and innovators!

For this month’s interview we are talking with Prasad Kaipa, author of From Smart to Wise: Acting and Leading with Wisdom.  Prasad is the CEO of the Kaipa Group in California and works with companies and senior executives in the areas of innovation, leadership development and coaching.  The purpose of Prasad’s innovation/leadership coaching is to ignite the genius within individuals. Prasad’s unique competence is in helping his clients find their next significant step and take it.  He assists clients in becoming effective in managing people as well as oneself (personal mastery), getting re-energized and building new capacities, and taking more risks, in addition to innovative and strategic decisions.

Prasad co-founded the Entrepreneur Institute for TiE in the Silicon Valley in 2002 to assist entrepreneurs develop soft skills and connect, engage and co-create effectively with others in the ecosystem. Over 13,000 entrepreneurs have gone through TiE Institute programs. He is a part-time faculty member at the Saybrook University and works with students in the areas of creativity and innovation, transformational learning and leadership.

As a senior manager in Apple, Prasad was asked to create an educational menu for Apple engineers using innovative learning approaches. In 1999, as a research fellow in the Apple University, with a charter to help design ‘a learning processor that augments human intelligence,’ Prasad interviewed high achievers and exceptional people researching how they learn (and ‘unlearn’), create, communicate, relate and lead.

Prasad got his doctorate in physics, and as a professor in the University of Utah helped build an international research laboratory with Dr. Ed Haskell. Athena Interactive released three award winning CD-ROMs for leaders based on his learning interface concepts and his pyramid building (thinking in three dimensions) methodology.

Prasad is married to Dr. Vinoda and is father of Pravin and Vidya. He enjoys exploring and reinterpreting ancient wisdom (and its application in developing highly effective and authentic leaders), photography (, listening to classical music, and playing tennis.

How it Works

EntrepreNerds Between the Sheets is a FREE online video series featuring interviews with Authors, Entrepreneurs and Innovators as we talk nerdy!

Thursday May 22, 3:00-4:00pm (MST)

Can’t make it for the live conversation?  Fear not, we will be recording the conversation for you to view at your convenience!

Leading with Your Head and Your Heart

Join us for a VIRTUAL EntrepreNerds Book Discussion about Leading with Your Head and Your Heart!

We’ll be discussing Prasad’s book From Smart to Wise along with The Truth about Leadership, by James Kouzes.

Signup to be notified when the next virtual book discussion is scheduled.

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